Keyframing Camera
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Last updated
Different from animated cameras, keyframing cameras allow users to manually add key frames in the sequencer and preview camera motion without making animations in DCC softwares.
To keyframe a camera, you can follow the next steps.
Create a new blueprint from class EKeyframedCamera. You can view the KeyframedCamera page to see how this class works.
Add an Actor Sequence Component in the Components section.
Find the "Keyframe Extension" in CameraSettingsComponent. This is the core component where this camera invokes keyframes. But you do not need to do anything here. For a more detailed introduction to this extension, go to the KeyframeExtension page, and refer to the CallKeyframedCamera node for how to call the keyframed camera.
Note that the parameters in the "PCMGParams" group are currently deprecated. They will be updated once the new feature, procedurally camera motion generation (PCMG), is finished.
Select the Actor Sequence Component and click "Open In Tab" in the Details panel, you will see the Sequencer editor is opened and now you can add keyframes in it.
In the Sequencer editor, add a track of CameraComponent, and then add sub-tracks of camera properties that you would like to keyframe. Generally, you should add the Transform track and FOV track.
Set the "Default" values in the "CameraBase" section in the blueprint Details panel. These values determine how this camera blends back to the previous camera when it finishes playing.
Go to where you want to use this camera and use the CallKeyframedCamera node.
Now, play the game and enjoy your work!