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ScreenFollow tries to keep the following target at the fixed position on screen while maintaining a specified distance to the target. It only determines camera position, and does not involve camera orientation.
Camera Distance
Camera distance to the following position. The position is the target actor's world space position applied with offset.
Pitch Distance Curve
A curve used to adjust camera distance according to camera pitch. The x-axis range should be within [-90, 90]. When camera looks down, pitch is negative; when camera looks up, pitch is positive.
Adapt To Movement
Whether to adapt camera orientation to character movement.
Adapt To Movement Speed
Speed when adapting camera orientation to character movement.
Zoom Settings
A set of parameters controlling camera zooming. For ScreenFollow only.
Enable Zoom
Whether to enable zooming.
Zoom Action
The input action to receive zoom input, can be mouse wheels. Only receives 1D input. Ensure this action is correct. You should first create a InputAction of value type "Axis1D", and then bind it to the input mapping context. Set up the input keys to feed the input value to this input action. You may need to bind two keys, one for zooming in and the other for zooming out.
Distance Bounds
Min and max camera distance bounds when zooming in or out.
Zoom speed (per second) of camera distance when zooming in or out.
Damp Time
Zoom damp time.
An aggregate damper consisting of three sub-dampers used to damp the X/Y/Z axis.
Damper X/Y/Z
Screen Offset
The screen space position where the following position should be tracked. Default is (0,0), the center of screen. The X value is for X axis in screen space, and the Y value is for Y axis in screen space.
Adaptive Screen Offset Distance X
Distance range within which Screen Offset falls off to zero to avoid camera movement artifacts. The X value is the distance starting to degrade X-axis Screen Offset. The Y value is the distance where X-axis Screen Offset becomes zero, can be negative.
Adaptive Screen Offset Distance Y
Similar to Adaptive Screen Offset Distance X, but for the Y-axis Screen Offset.
Screen Offset Widht
Width of Screen Offset. Defines the X-axis range restricting the following position on screen.
Screen Offset Height
Height of Screen Offset. Defines the Y-axis range restricting the following position on screen.
Follow Target
The following target actor. You should specify it in node CallCamera
in blueprint.
Follow Offset
Offset applied to the target actor's position in its local space. That is, the orientation of the target actor might influence the resulting following position.
Socket Name
Optional SocketName. If this socket can be found, its transform will be used. You should be very CAREFUL of the socket's rotation, since the final location is based on the local space. DOES NOT apply to OrbitFollow and CraneFollow.
Stage at which this component is executed. You can only change this property at the "Class Defaults" window.
Sub-damper. You can choose a specific damper type for each axis. For a detailed introduction to damper, refer to .