Group Actor Component
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This component is attached to an actor (called a group actor) enabling you to add multiple sub-actors which will together determine the group actor's location and rotation. You can add a group actor by selecting "Add"->"All Classes" and adding a ECamera Group Actor
into the level.
Select the ECamera Group Actor Component
at the Details
panel. You can add as many target actors as you want in it, and set up the method to interpret the group location and rotation based on the target actors you add.
Target Actors
An array of target actors determining the group actor's location and rotation.
An actor in the level.
The influence this actor makes on determining the group actor's location and rotation.
Half with of the bounding box of this actor on screen.
Half height of the bounding box of this actor on screen.
Exclude Bounding Box
Whether to exclude this actor (i.e., ignoring this bounding box) when resolving the group actor.
Group Location Method
Method you use to interpret group location. Arithmetic Average uses the arithemetic average location of all target actors as the group actors' location. Weighted Average takes into account each target actor's weight. Unweighted Distance Based measures the distance between an Anchor location Actor (or Anchor Location if the achor location actor is null) and any of the target actors. The closest the distance is, the group actor location leans more towards that target actor. Weighted Distance Based is a weighted version of Unweighted Distance Based, taking into account the weight of each target actor. Closest uses the target actor's location closest to the Anchor location Actor (or Anchor Location). Farest uses the target actor's location farest from the Anchor location Actor (or Anchor Location). Specified uses the Specified Location Actor's location (or the Specified Location if Specified Location Actor is null).
Anchor Location Actor
This actor's location will be used to determine the group actor's location. Only for Unweighted Distance Based, Weighted Distance Based, Closest and Farest.
Anchor Location
This location will be used to determine the group actor's location. Only for Unweighted Distance Based, Weighted Distance Based, Closest and Farest.
Specified Location Actor
This actor's location will be used as the group actor's location. Only for Specified.
Specified Location
This location will be used as the group actor's location. Only for Specified.
Group Rotation Method
Method you use to interpret group rotation. Arithmetic Average uses the arithemetic average rotation of all target actors as the group actors' rotation. Weighted Average takes into account each target actor's weight. Specified uses the Specified Rotation Actor's rotation (or the Specified Rotation if Specified Rotation Actor is null).
Specified Rotation Actor
This actor's rotation will be used as the group actor's rotation. Only for Specified.
Specified Rotation
This rotation will be used as the group actor's rotation. Only for Specified.