Group Aim Camera
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Boss battle camera only frames one aim target. If you want to frame multiple aim targets, you can use a GroupActor to achieve your goal.
Right click on Content Browser -> "Blueprint Class" -> create a "ECameraBase" class.
Open the class blueprint, select the "Camera Settings Component" and on the "Details" panel, expand the "ECamera" section.
Choose ScreenFollow for "Follow Component", and TargetingAim for "Aim Component". Set their properties.
Add a Resolve Group Actor Extension on the "Extensions" section, and set the properties accordingly.
(Optional) You can add a ResolveOcclusion Extension on the "Extensions" section. This extension resolves occlusion in the camera sight direction. But note this component should be at the last stage at which the camera pipeline executes., i.e., this component should be executed after all other components.
Add a ECamera Group Actor actor into the level, and place it anywhere you want.
Click the actor and expand the "GroupActor" section on the "Details" panel, add as many target actors as you want to frame.
Tune each target actor's Weight, Width and Height. Select a proper Group Location Method the parameters below.
In the blueprint where you want to call this camera, invoke the "CallCamera" node and pass in the "Camera Class", "Follow Target" and "Aim Target". The "Aim Target" should be the group actor you just add to the level. You can also specify "Blend Time", "Blend Func" and "Blend Exp" if you want smooth blending in.