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ControlAim receives player input to control camera rotation. Though you do not need to specify an aim target, it's recommended to use the follow target, which is usually the character controlled by the player, as the aim target, since other components may be dependent on the aim target.
Enhanced Input
Whether you are using EnhancedInput. If true, the input will read from enhanced input. Otherwise, it reads from mouse input.
Look Action
The input action to consume camera rotation. Ensure this action is correct.
Consume Input
Whether to consume input. If set to false, will not consume input from player.
Aim Assist
A set of parameters defining aim assist.
Enable Aim Assist
Whether to enable aim assist.
Target Types
Types of actors that are taken for aim assist.
Magnetic Radius
Magnetic radius, in screen space.
Magnetic Coefficient
Magnetic coefficient defining the strength of magnetic force.
Max Distance
If the target actor has a larger distance to camera than this value, it will be ignored.
Recentering Params
A set of parameters defining whether and when to recenter camera to the Heading direction.
Whether to enable recentering.
Reset Pitch
Whether to reset pitch to zero when recentering.
The heading direction in which camera recenters. Target Forward uses the following target actos's forward direction as heading. World Forward uses the world space forward vector, i.e., (1, 0, 0), as heading. Hard Forward uses a hard specified forward vector. Soft Forward leverages two actors' positions to determine the heading.
Recenter Scheme
Wait Time
How long will it take to start recentering since no input.
Recentering Time
How long will it take to finish recentering.
Recenter Range
Only do recentering when YAW between the camera forward direction and the heading direction is within this range. Used when scheme is Auto and heading is TargetForward.
Hard Forward
Specified hard forward vector.
The actor whose position is used as the start point for Soft Forward.
The actor whose position is used as the end point for Soft Forward.
Horizontal Heading
Horizontal heading direction.
Horizontal Hard Forward
Specified horizontal hard forward vector.
Horizontal Source
The actor whose position is used as the start point for horizontal Soft Forward.
Horizontal Destination
The actor whose position is used as the end point for horizontal Soft Forward.
Horizontal Range
Camera yaw range, centered at Horizontal Heading. Within [-180, 180].
Whether to wrap camera yaw.
Vertical Range
Camera pitch range in world space. Within (-90, 90). Will be overridden if using OrbitFollow.
Horizontal Speed
Horizontal rotation speed multiplier.
Vertical Speed
Vertical rotation speed multiplier.
Horizontal Damping
Horizontal rotation damping time. The X value is for acceleration, while the Y value is for deceleration.
Vertical Damping
Vertical rotation damping time. The X value is for acceleration, while the Y value is for deceleration.
Whether to replicate camera's rotation to Controller.
Whether to replicate camera's yaw to aim target. This is useful when you want to set character's rotation in synchronization with this camera.
Aim Target
The aiming target actor.
Aim Offset
Position offset applied to target actor, in world space. Not applicable for this component.
Socket Name
Optional SocketName. If this socket can be found, its transform will be used.
Stage at which this component is executed. You can only change this property at the "Class Defaults" window.
Scheme to recenter cameras. Auto auto-recenters camera. Manual means manually starts and stops camera recentering by using ControlAim's and blueprint nodes.