Orbit Camera
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Sometimes you want to look around the target actor in an orbital way. Then you can use the OrbitFollow plus ControlAim to define orbits with different heights and radii and control camera position on orbits.
Right click on Content Browser -> "Blueprint Class" -> create a "ECameraBase" class.
Open the class blueprint, select the "Camera Settings Component" and on the "Details" panel, expand the "ECamera" section.
Choose OrbitFollow for "Follow Component", and ControlAim for "Aim Component".
In OrbitFollow, you should add several orbits as well as the "Blend Func" which is used to interpolate orbit radii at different heights. In ControlAim, you can set the "Recentering Params", "Horizontal Heading", and horizontal/vertical speed multiplier.
(Optional) You can add a ResolveOcclusion Extension on the "Extensions" section. This extension resolves occlusion in the camera sight direction.
In the blueprint where you want to call this camera, invoke the "CallCamera" node and pass in the "Camera Class" and "Follow Target". You do not need to specify "AimTarget" as ControlAim only receives player input. You can also specify "Blend Time", "Blend Func" and "Blend Exp" if you want smooth blending in.