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ResolveOcclusionExtension resolves occlusion in the sight of camera. Basically, it pushes camera forward until the view is clear, but you can also set different parameters to limit its maximum detection distance and the types of objects that should be deoccluded.
Occluder Params
A set of parameters defining occluder behaviours.
Trace Shape
Shape for tracing occluders. You can use either Line or Sphere.
Trace Single
Whether to only trace the first hit encountered. You can enable this property to improve runtime performance.
Object Types
Object types thet allow for collision detection.
Actors Types to Ignore
Actor types to ignore, including child types.
Actors to Ignore
Actors that should be ignored for collision detection.
Maximum Trace Length
The maximum length of ray used for trace. Set at 0 as the actual length from camera position to the aiming target actor (if it is null, use the following target actor).
Maximum Occlusion Time
Do not take any action until occlusion has lasted this long. Set at 0 to immediately take actions when occluision happens.
Sphere Radius
Sphere radius when Trace Shape is Sphere.
Show Debug
Whether to show debug info.
Minimum Distance From Distance
Ignore any obstables within this distance from target.
Camera Distance From Occlusion
Preserve a fixed distance from any obstacle.
Occlusion Damping
Damping time when avoiding occlusion. Small values indicate more responsiveness.
Restore Damping
Damping time when restoring from occlusion. Small values indicate more responsiveness.
Stage at which this component is executed. You can only change this property at the "Class Defaults" window.