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This extension can also be used to constrain pitch, but in a different way:
When the follow position is within a given radius of the aim position, the aim position will be pushed away from the camera, ensuring camera jitters won't happen. This is achieved by interpolating between three types of additional aim offsets, which you can see from the read-only property AdditionalAimOffset in the TargetingAim component.
1) The first type is PitchAddition, which tries to keep a fixed pitch angle between the follow position and the aim position after applied with this kind of aim offset.
2) The second type is CamToAimAddition, which tries to keep a fixed aim position in screen space, by extending the aim position along the direction from camera to the aim target.
3) The third type is CamForwardAddition, which extends the aim position along the camera's forward direction.
Then, a parameter Weights is used to interpolate these types of offsets.
This strategy can be particularly useful when your aim target is high above the ground and the pitch could be very large.
This extension can be used along with the ConstrainPitch extension.
NOTE: this extension can ONLY be used in lock-on cameras, i.e., ScreenFollow & TargetingAim.
Radius within which the aim point will be pushed away.
Weight for each type of aim offset. X, Y and Z respectively correspond to PitchAddition, CamToAimAddition and CamForwardAddition. You should make sure the sum of X, Y and Z is equal to or greater than 1.
Stage at which this component is executed. You can only change this property at the "Class Defaults" window.