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This is an extension used to mix several sub-cameras included in this extension. The camera's location and rotation are fully determined by these weighted sub-cameras. Though, you can still explicitly specify a follow component or aim component to override location or rotation.
Camera Classes
List of cameras types that will be instantiated, along with optional follow target and aim target. Cannot be changed once instantiated.
Camera Class
Camera class. You cannot place a AEMixingCamera here!
Follow Target
Optional soft follow target. Specified in blueprint or instance.
Follow Target Type
Optional follow target type. If FollowTarget is null, try to find actor of this type.
Aim Target
Optional soft aim target. Specified in blueprint or instance.
Aim Target Type
Optional aim target type. If AimTarget is null, try to find actor of this type.
List of weights controlling each camera's contribution. Each weight can be arbitrary value, but it's recommended to normalize the weights and update them in blueprint.
Weight Update Scheme
Schemes to update mixing camera's weights. Cannot be changed once instantiated.
Weights are equally distributed.
Update weights in blueprint using your own custom scheme.
Mix Scheme
Schemes to mix camera's position and rotation. Cannot be changed once instantiated.
Only mix camera's position.
Only mix camera's rotation.
Mix both camera's position and rotation.
Mix Rotation Method
Trivially mix rotations. Simple weighted average. May cause sudden jump.
Matrix decomposition to find the largest eigenvalue. Smooth but at a high efficiency cost.
Use smoothed circular mean to average angles.
Circular Epsilon
Parameter used in the Circular rotation scheme to control the smoothness of rotation average.
Reference the Mixing Cameras page to learn calling and using MixingCamera.