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This extension is used to add roll to camera based on the FOLLOW TARGET's velocity. You should make sure the follow target is valid.
This extension provides three modes: (1) Manual, (2) Constant, and (3) ProportionalToVelocity.
Mannual: You have full control over roll, regardless of all the parameters here, e.g., MaxRoll and MinVelocity. Use the blueprint nodes AsyncStartRoll, AsyncPauseRoll and StartRoll to control rolling.
Constant: Rolling is based on a constant speed.
ProportionalToVelocity: Rolling is proportional to the follow target's velocity.
Generally this component should be applied at the last step of the camera pipeline (Stage is Finalize). Go to blueprint nodes list page to view the provided blueprint nodes.
Roll Scheme
The speed of rolling. Different strategies: (1) Manual, (2) constant, (3) proportional to velocity. Note that if you use Manual, you have full control over roll, regardless of all the parameters here, e.g., MaxRoll and MinVelocity. Use GetFollowTargetVelocity() to access the follow target's velocity if you need it.
Whether to inverse the rolling direction.
Max Roll
Max roll allowed. Must be positive.
Min Velocity
Minimum velocity to start rolling. Note that veloccity is the projected one onto camera's local right/left vector. Must be positive.
Roll Wait Time
Will not start rolling unitl this time period has been arrived at.
Roll Speed
Rolling speed when RollScheme is Constant. Unit: degree/second.
Roll Speed Ratio
Rolling speed ratio w.r.t. follow target's velocity when RollScheme is ProportionalToVelocity.
Roll Multiplier Curve
Rolling multiplier applied to the roll increment. Default is 1.0 for all x-axis values (current roll). If ExternalCurve is provided, will use it. Use this curve to control the tangent/smoothness when rolling proceeds. A good practice is to set a relatively small value when rolling ends to perform a smooth blend-out rolling effect. The value should not be too small when rolling starts. Used when RollScheme is Constant or ProportionalToVelocity.
Roll Damping
Damping when rolling. Small values indicate more responsiveness. Will be applied after RollMultiplierCurve.
Restore Wait Time
Will not restore from rolling unitl this time period has been arrived at.
Restore Speed
Restore speed. Unit: degree/second.
Restore Multiplier Curve
Rolling multiplier applied to the roll increment. Default is 1.0 for all x-axis values (current roll). If ExternalCurve is provided, will use it. Use this curve to control the tangent/smoothness when restoring proceeds.
Restore Damping
Damping when restoring from rolling. Small values indicate more responsiveness. Applied after RestoreMultiplierCurve.
Stage at which this component is executed. You can only change this property at the "Class Defaults" window. Finalize
is highly recommended for this extension.